Birth Doula + Shamanic Reiki

Sacred Support for Your Journey thru Womanhood.

What does a Doula do?

Whether you choose to birth at home or in a hospital, a Doula offers ways to ease pain, calm the mind, and helps you understand what to expect throughout your journey.

A Doula DOES :

  • Offer soothing touch through the use of massage or counter pressure

  • Help to create a calm environment, like dimming lights and arranging curtains

  • Help guide the birthing person and partner through any fears and self-doubt that may arise

  • Suggest techniques in labor, such as breathing, relaxation techniques, movement, and positioning

  • Help find evidence-based information about different options in pregnancy and childbirth

  • Encourage the birthing person or their partner to ask questions and verbalize their preferences

  • Remind the birthing person that it’s okay to take a moment before making a decision

  • Offer praise and encouragement

  • Support the birthing person’s decision


  • Perform clinical tasks such as vaginal exams, fetal heart monitoring, etc

  • Give medical advice or diagnose conditions

  • Make decisions for the client (medical or otherwise)

  • Pressure the birthing person into certain choices

  • Take over the role of the partner

  • Catch the baby

  • Perform induced miscarriage procedures

Studies show:

Lower Rate of Cesarean

Those who labor with a Doula have a lower rate of experiencing a cesarean section by 25%

Lower Rate of Dissatisfaction

Those who receive continuous support provided by a Doula have a reduced risk of being dissatisfied by their birth experience

Shorter Labor on Average

Continuous support decreases laboring time by an average of 41 minutes

Meet Kailen,

Your Shamanic Doula + Reiki Master

HI there! I’m Kailen.

I am a Shamanic Labor + Delivery Doula and Usui/Holy Fire® III Karuna® Reiki Master. I believe that every woman carries an innate wisdom within her womb and I am committed to helping women reconnect with that wisdom!

Through my guidance and support, I empower women to step into their true essence, reconnect with their body, and release what no longer serves them. This helps them live in alignment as they bring new souls into this world.

One of the unique aspects of my practice is the integration of Reiki, a gentle and non-invasive energy healing technique, into the birthing journey. Reiki works holistically, balancing and harmonizing the body, mind, and spirit, promoting relaxation, and fostering a deeper connection between mother and baby.

This combination can create a powerful experience for you and your birthing journey, but we can chat more about that later!

I am so looking forward to connecting with you and learning more about your growing family!

With Love and Gratitude,


What clients are saying